Profile PictureP. Mac Insights

DRY DIY Program

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Take a Break From Alcohol this month!!!

Email program to help women almost 40 take a 21 day break from drinking alcohol to see how it affects them positively.

Let’s take a look at how alcohol plays into your health journey!

  1. Commit to giving yourself a 21-day break
  2. Watch daily lessons to support you becoming more sober curious.
  3. Reflect on your experience in journals and the private community
  4. List the benefits you are noticing and embrace the changes in your life!

This is NOT a challenge to check off a box. It's a course to help you take a closer look at your relationship with alcohol without the fear, guilt and shame that comes after a night of drinking.

Take your power back and start living the life you've always wanted to live-- with much less alcohol involved.

Taking You
Back to the Classroom
in this Challenge

If you are like me, then you probably have gotten most of your education about alcohol when you were in high school health class. You probably learned that alcohol is bad for your liver and is linked to various cancers. 


Now, many years later, you drink to destress from a day dealing with the kids, to disconnect from the social pressures of your job, to loosen up for the monthly gathering, to celebrate promotions, sportsmanship at the t-ball game, or cleaning the house.  


You're tired of feeling tired and irritable all day and just want to be able to have a relaxing moment to yourself– without having to nag the family to do so. 


You know you're capable of so much more, but you are too tired from dealing with all the stuff and things of the day. The only thing that gives you a sense of relief is swirling the wine around in your glass.


You are growing discouraged about your fitness journey. You make all the right food choices, do all the exercises but still can’t seem to make any gains on your fitness goals. 


You're feeling guilty because you know that your drinking habits may be part of the problem, but you aren't willing to sacrifice mommy's wine time because you don't know what else to do. It's normal to drink 'just one a day. Ok, two, just two.


Then, you get the munchies, stay up late only to wake up irritable, hungover with ruminating thoughts of self-hate and loathing. You wonder, what’s the point of working out, and spend the rest of the weekend binge watching your hangover away while eating greasy foods and perhaps, another drink in hand. 


You need an upgrade to your knowledge base of what you understand about the impacts of alcohol on your life. 


Let me take you back to class
in this 21-day dry Challenge
and get some
#sobersense for #momsintheir40s

What you are going to get:

  • A Daily Email Lesson helping coach you through the the challenge with educational insights and strategies to surf the urge.
  • Private Facebook Group to connect with other Challenge Members Past and Present.
  • BONUS #1 Workbook to help navigate you through the challenge and document your own insights to your relationship with alcohol.
  • BONUS #2 Curated Resource List to enhance your personal research!

Total VALUE: $1532

ONLY $79

What Others Have Said

“I joined your dry challenge knowing I needed to make a change. I completed the program and stuck with it. I did it again in January and now I have all this sobriety under my belt, I am working at my dream job, and I am having deep and meaningful conversations with my kids. The trickle down effect from gaining sobriety is so real and so impactful because not only did I change my life and behavior, I am also sharing knowledge and changing and shaping the future of my children with the knowledge that you have given me.” -Lindsay

“When I went to get sober it was just all about me. Me. Me. Me. I need to change. I need to do something different. I hate myself. I am tired of hating myself. And in that sobriety, not only have I come to accept myself and love on myself a little more and make healthy swaps, I am able to pour into my family in ways I wasn’t ever able to before. And not just sober time– deep and meaningful experiences with them.” - a 21 day challenge participant

"This really works! I like myself again!" -A.H.

"I love the content! It got me on my sober curious path, which is the best part of this whole thing! I thought I was a lost cause." -a 21 day challenge participant

"I decided to go the entire month dry, not just the 21 days. 3 month's later I have had one sip of alcohol and decided, naw-- not for me. I feel too great now to go back to the way things were." -S.N.

"Being a trained and natural teacher, in addition to being incredibly empathetic and relatable, puts Patty at a unique advantage to assist those first exploring a life without alcohol and those further along their journey– with insights, tips, serious and comedic stories, a smile and of course, an available ear. She’s been in my corner since day one of my breakup with alcohol. Even during the times I’m not strong enough and let the sneaky ex back in." - Renee

"I would highly recommend this Challenge to anyone who is sober curious. There is a lot of content/ guided work shared as you work through the Challenge with Patty. The connection developed between other women going through the same thing as me is invaluable."- Tiffany M.

"I would highly recommend Patty for any sober coaching because she uses her teaching background to navigate deep dives into all things alcohol-free based on research and application in her own life. I love that she is raw and genuine about her reflections to help me plan because she has been there before. Her wonderful personality and ability to assess and make recommendations to people are applicable to my life. I love working with Patty." - Jill G.

"I tell all my friends about Patty. I haven't been able to stay sober for more than a week or two. What Patty teaches has helped give me the tools I needed to stay sober for 30 days! Whoot Whoot! And I don't even feel like celebrating with a beer." - Kristina

"I just love the way Patty articulates what she is thinking in small group coaching. The suggestions she makes apply not only to me, but also other people in the group. I have found myself thinking "Oh, I should try that" when listening to other people's coaching sessions. I highly recommend working with Patty in small group coaching." -J. H.

"I would highly recommend this Challenge to anyone who is sober curious. There is a lot of content/ guided work shared as you work through the Challenge with Patty. The connection developed between other women going through the same thing as me is invaluable." - Tiffany M.

"I recommend this Challenge because it connects you with a support group of like-minded women. It also gives you tips and strategies to use in your daily life. Patty is engaging, fun, and informative. She is welcoming and supportive and has first-hand experience with what you are going through. If your goal is to change your relationship with alcohol, then this is the program/ group for you." - Bethann

"I love the judgment free support in the dry challenge. It was easy to share & I enjoyed connecting with other women going through the same things as me. Patty teaches great tools- I learned so much from the coaching calls!" - Heather

Who is this for? 

-Women who are approaching their midlife, have kids still in the home, and are ready to take better care of themselves so they can age well.

-Mothers who have noticed that alcohol may be getting in the way of their family time, parenting abilities, or job responsibilities.

-Women who have tried limiting their quantities, restricted their intake, or struggle to 'just have one'.

-Women who have joined fitness challenges, diet plans, or pacts with hopes of abstaining from drinking alcohol but can't seem to quit for more than a week or two.

-Women who feel alone, that no one seems to understand their drinking issues (Your friends and family may say, "You aren't that bad" or "Quit being so hard on yourself. You don't have a problem").

Who this Challenge isn't for: 

- Men. Sorry dad's. Mom's only

- Women who believe AA is the ONLY WAY to get sober

- Women who are just dabbling– the education is intense, and so participants who stay committed to the process are the ones that REALLY are ready to make lifestyle shifts

- Someone who is looking for a quick fix to becoming alcohol-free

- Someone who doesn't want to put the drink down for 30 days. This is about wanting a new life and giving yourself a chance to see what living alcohol-free can do for your life. 

-Someone who doesn't have time to work on their inner self. Each day takes a minimum of 20-40 minutes of reading/viewing lessons and/or reflection. 

After I purchase, what do I do?

IMPORTANT: You will be prompted to input your EMAIL address. Since this program is delivered by EMAIL, you will NEED TO INPUT YOUR EMAIL IN THIS FORM or you won't be included in the challenge.

After entering your email address, you will be taken to the PRIVATE FACEBOOK PAGE. Please join the group and introduce yourself the the DRY community!

When you enroll, what happens next? 

Right after you sign up, you will receive a welcome email with an invitation to join the PRIVATE Facebook Page for the challenge. This page will be active to past and present participants. Through the community, we can support each other at every level of this sober curious journey. However, you can feel free to leave the community after the challenge is over.

The Digital Challenge Workbook will be delivered when the challenge start via the email you provided. This BONUS resource is intended for you to take notes, reflect on lessons, and write any insights you have throughout the challenge. 

The official challenge starts AS SOON AS YOU WANT IT TO! Just keep paying attention to your inbox. Successful past participants have chosen a specific time of day to watch the video lessons and reflect in their journals for the duration of the 21 days.

Daily videos will be released via email by 5 am EST. You are encouraged to GO TO THE GROUP PAGE DAILY to ensure you are reflecting on the content with other participants.


Questions you may have: 

How much time is this going to take? 

As this is an educational, personal development challenge, your time processing the material is completely up to you. But here is a picture of how long it could take to keep up with the minimum requirements: 

Video lessons are, on average, 15 minutes long. 

Your reflections on the Group page and commenting on others should take about 15 additional minutes. You will want to make some time to reflect on the content to your liking to gain maximum insight into applying the content to your life.

What if I drink? Does that mean I failed the challenge? 

Heck no! We look at our failures as feedback moments. This is a journey that is different for everyone. The important part is that you keep showing up for yourself! 

Is this like AA? 

Although AA has and continues to help many people, this is not like AA. We do not believe alcohol use disorder is a disease or an affliction that labels you for life. We believe that the ability to stop or control alcohol is based on scientific evidence that alcohol is a drug and affects brain chemistry and, therefore, can cause alcohol use disorder, or alcohol dependency is based on a spectrum of drinking patterns. For more information on AUD, read here 

NOTE: This is not a treatment program. This is an educational challenge to learn more about the topic with a group of people who are trying to use the information to help them approach their goals in a different way.

Is this Private? 

This Facebook Group is PRIVATE. Only members can see comments. You have the option to post comments anonymously, but confidentiality is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED and a part of the group rules upon entering the challenge. If anyone violates the group rules, P. Mac Insights, LLC will privately address the issue and take corrective action that may terminate group use. 

I don't use Facebook. Can I still participate in the challenge? 

Most of the content delivery is in emails. However, the community participation is inside the Facebook group. You can still participate in the challenge by watching the videos but will miss out on the community aspect of the challenge. However, you can email me!

I am having issues. What should I do? 

Please contact P Mac Insights via Messenger or, and we will find a solution together! 

What if I miss a daily lesson? When can I make it up?

Absolutely! These lessons are delivered to your email, and you can watch them anytime.

Will there be homework? 

I am a teacher, so… yes, there will be work required. Think of your time on the group page as our class time together. It starts whenever you go to the home page and begin the daily lesson, you are starting your class time. Feel free to take notes and reflect how you see fit, but I will ask you to share responses in the corresponding feed. It's like getting participation points. 

What if I don't want to participate in the challenge anymore? Can I get my money back?

Obviously, I don't ever want someone to do something they don't find valuable. But, with that said, I can guarantee that if you show up consistently to the group and implement the lessons, YOU WILL have a meaningful experience during the challenge. 

And since you have lifetime access to the content as long as you have your email access, you can access the content later. However, if this isn't your cup of tea, then I understand. You have 3 days to get your money back. Just email me at

Do I have lifetime access to the challenge materials? 

Yes! You will have access to the content as long as Facebook and the algorithms support group pages and your email provider are around. However, the comment options will be turned off at the end of the challenge. 

Will you be running this challenge again? 

This challenge will not be duplicated due to the nature of the participation from the community. However, similar or slightly varied challenges will be offered several times a year. The lessons in the challenge will remain the same, or be updated at any time without notice. 

The best time to start is now. Don't wait one more second to start implementing what you learn from this challenge. You can start anytime, not just when the challenge begins. It's outstanding to go sober today. And enrolling in this coaching program will ensure you have the support to hold you accountable and help you troubleshoot on the fly when you are struggling or need adjustments. 

The curriculum is designed to help you finally get over the 10 day hump, break the cycle you are stuck in, and make more informed choices about your drinking habits. Once you learn the material, you can't unlearn it! 

What happens when the challenge is over? 

At the end of the challenge, there will be announcements of additional ways to work with me and/or get more support for your sober journey. As a DRY MONTH participant, you will have access to the Private Facebook Group until you decide to leave.  This page is for people to connect about their experience and the challenge content. Self promotion, hate speech, or negativity will not be tolerated. 

What's your DISCLAIMER? 

DISCLAIMER- This COURSE is not intended for individuals with alcohol dependency. This program is intended for informational purposes. It is not intended to substitute or replace medical or psychological treatment, evaluation, or guidance. It is recommended that you seek professional advice regarding your health before attempting to incorporate any advice into your life. By participating in this program, you understand that the information presented is based on the creator's experience and research and NOT intended to be medical or psychological advice and voluntarily assume all risk and responsibility for any such use, including but not limited to any increase in severity of your addiction. You hereby release and agree to hold harmless P Mac Insights, LLC, Patricia McMahon, or any of the company's representatives, agents, employees, or advisors from any and all causes of action and claims of any nature resulting from your use of the content in this product. 

*Basically, I am not a medical professional nor licensed mental health professional. You are participating in the challenge as an informative experience and assume all liability by participating.

Wait--- who the heck are you and why the heck should I listen to you?

Hi, I'm Patty McMahon, M. Ed in Curriculum, Instruction, Innovation, and Design Creator of Sober Sense 21 Day Dry Challenges, How To Plan Your Sober [Blank], and P. Mac Insights on living well– where I help women take a closer look at their relationship with alcohol so they can live a more fulfilling life.

After sacrificing my evenings with my family for mommy wine time and feeling like crap the next day only to repeat the wine routine, I decided I was sick and tired of letting my hangover get the best of me. 


But putting down the glass wasn't easy. After dozens of attempts to moderate, restrict, or refrain from drinking entirely, I only found myself slipping further into the bottle. I started feeling depressed. I would wake up and say terrible things to myself for 'doing it again.' 

I noticed I became more easily irritated at my children and felt unable to cope with the demands of my job. I locked myself in my classroom and cried one morning because a colleague asked me to make copies. 


I was a teacher during the pandemic. Everything was messed up. I thought I deserved the right to drink my evening wine. But after googling, am I an alcoholic for the umpteenth time, I realized I needed to make a change. 


Over the course of a year, I studied how to be sober as if it were my master's thesis and began not only to quit drinking but became uninterested in it entirely. I can't unlearn what I have learned about how alcohol affects your brain. I can't deny the benefits of sober living. I catch myself smiling for no reason and realize this is the feeling of lasting joy. 


And as an educator, I know about the connection between our thoughts and how we learn based on current brain research. I was blown away by the science of alcohol's physiological side effects.


Did you know
it takes
about 10 days or so
to recover from
one night of drinking?   

I want to teach you what I know.

In Sober Sense 21 Day Dry Challenge for #fitnessover40, 
I designed a curriculum from my journey
that has helped several other women
update their knowledge about alcohol.

It's not the same information we learned in high school. 


Now, I invite you to join my class to gain some sober sense into the glass in your hand. 


It's a challenge that will help you discover your inner wisdom again as you learn the science behind the impacts of alcohol in your life.
It should be an easy YES if you struggle to moderate your drinking and are ready to try something different to put the glass down. 


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3-Day Money Back Guarantee

Obviously, I don't ever want someone to do something they don't find valuable. But, with that said, I can guarantee that if you show up consistently to the group and implement the lessons, YOU WILL have a meaningful experience during the challenge. 

And since you have lifetime access to the content as long as you have your email access, you can access the content later. However, if this isn't your cup of tea, then I understand. You have 3 days to get your money back. Just email me at 

Last updated Aug 23, 2023

Daily lessons delivered to your inbox with strategies to surf the urge to drink & content to support you in learning how to be more sober curious, access to a private facebook group to connect with other challenge members, and weekly coaching calls to process the content and how it applies to your life.

Private Facebook Group
Daily Training
BONUS #1: Digital Workbook
BONUS #2: Curated Educational Resources
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DRY DIY Program

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